Case Studies
Aedda’s Farm Distillery
Adstockfields Farm, located near Buckingham, is one of Dudley Peverill’s longest-standing clients. Having made a transition towards regenerative farming and renewables, in late 2021, we began working with them to help them realise their aspirations for full circular farming and added value in the form of a distillery, to be supplied by cereals and fruit grown on farm.
Strategic New Farm Access Unlocks Diversification Opportunities
When Dudley Peverill first began work for a client in Nottinghamshire, it was clear there was an aspiration and opportunity to expand and embellish the diversified enterprises on site. The Farm business boasts several commercially let buildings near and around a central courtyard. Tenant businesses occupy the buildings under predominantly, a Class E use, most notably workshops and a dance studio.
Estate Woodland Delivery
Our work doesn’t always solely consist of the development of income-generating assets or enterprises. Holistic estate strategies must remain cognisant that the owners often reside on-farm, as well as other residents. Maintaining or enriching the amenity value of a farm or estate is a must for many of our clients and is often a highly emotive topic.
Agricultural Building to Commercial Use – Class R
Many farms have outdated, redundant or underutilised agricultural buildings due to changing circumstances or modernisation of machinery. These buildings are often a farmers first consideration towards asset diversification. Often, the physical conversion of agricultural buildings to suit commercial use is considered unexpected.
Crendon Barn – Commercial Refurbishment
One of our clients had a dilapidated, poorly utilised Crendon barn, historically used for hay and straw storage. This building was quickly identified as an opportunity to expand their commercial lettings enterprise and generate further income. Due to Covid-19 and associated increases in material prices, it was found that the refurbishment and conversion of this building was more cost effective than to demolish and reconstruct, by approximately £31,000.
Separating Farm from Commercial Traffic
When we were contacted by a family run farm on the urban fringe in Buckinghamshire for some wider diversification strategy advice and consultancy, the most significant pain point was clearly evident as traffic and logistics. Although the farming family had already begun several successful diversification enterprises, prior to implementing a further one, we advised that this would exacerbate their trafficking issues on the farm.
Dog Training Enterprise
One of our already heavily diversified clients have a successful dog training enterprise, run by a tenant. The increased footfall from this aids other enterprises within the farm, yet allows the farm owner to be positioned as a rent taker, without necessarily getting directly involved within the enterprise.
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