Glamping is the hot topic of the moment when discussing farm diversification. Is it a one size fits all solution? Is it an easy cash in? In our experience, no…. glamping enterprises don’t suit everyone!
However, a thorough, well informed business review should provide a confident answer to the glamping question on your farm. Start by using our Diversification Discovery Assistant.
You could even read our “Business Plan – A 5 Step How To Guide” blog to help you with your desk study… Or, contact us for help and advice.
1. Location
Ultimately, glamping relies on location. Think about your estate, where would the best place for a glamping site reside? Consider the following:
- Can natural beauty be leveraged?
- Are you situated near other attractions? E.g. cycle and hiking trails
- Are there areas of your site not appropriate for holiday accommodation?
- Are your proposed sites far enough from your farm or residential areas?
2. Enterprise Suitability
Similarly to the above point, consider whether the prospect of a glamping enterprise aligns with both your personal and business profile.
- Do you enjoy public interaction?
- Are you open to sharing your estate with the public?
- Will a glamping enterprise limit other operations?
- Will other operations impede on the glamping enterprise?
3. Planning and regulation
Like most developments big or small, planning permission must be obtained where necessary.
- Are you providing a space, or structures?
- Will the structures be present for more than 28 days per year?
- What is the likelihood of planning success – how can you improve the odds?
- Are you in a restrictive area. E.g. Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI)?
4. Access and Utilities
Think about what facilities you want to offer and how these will be installed. How will people get to the site, especially if its tucked away?
- Vehicular access
- Disabled access
- Water
- Sewage
- Electricity
- Internet connectivity?
5. Structure
Identify what market is best for you to target. You should align the product offering with this. What structure is suitable for what audience?
- Shepherds huts
- Yurts
- Glamping pods
- Log cabins
- Tents
6. Management
It is an absolute must to determine how a glamping enterprise will be run, as they can be time constraining. Consider the following to prevent a future headache:
- In house management?
- Outsource management?
- Cleaning
- Booking systems
- Payment systems
- Future expansion
Having a clear vision of exactly what you want is the best place to start when it comes to a diversification. Think you have answers to the above considerations? Unsure of where to go to make things happen? Contact us for a no obligation consultation, to see how we can help you achieve your aspirations for farm diversification.
Not sure whether or not glamping is the right diversification for you? Perhaps you’re still in the idea generation stage on your farm diversification journey, and don’t know what venture is right for you? Use our free diversification discovery assistant. Simply fill out the short questionnaire and receive a free review of what diversifications will suit you and your business.