Many farms and estates struggle with access when considering the development of diversification enterprises. It’s easy to write off a prospective venture due to poor access or similar. However, often with some strategic blue-sky thinking, the true potential of your site can be unlocked.
Contact us today for a free, no obligations initial consultation regarding access issues and advice on unlocking your farm diversification opportunities.
Access doesn’t have to rely on big capital expenditure. Access can often be unlocked by agricultural permitted development rights for a farm track. This facilitates separate access routes for agricultural vehicles and diversification traffic.
This method of installation can also be easily implemented when needing to supply an all weather access to a site or enterprise such as glamping, which are usually fairly remote.
We have often found that with highways entrances, taking the opportunity to improve sight lines with the installation of enhanced vision splays, is worthwhile. Highways safety and trafficking is often a concern with regards to subsequent planning applications.

Means to an end?
In the past, we have advised a client on an existing access, which was shared with their neighbour by way of a low lying bridge. Removal of this bridge and the installation of a new, environmentally conforming bridge (1.5m higher than the original) enabled a separate access between the client farm and their neighbours.
This not only improved security, but enabled further farm diversification projects to be delivered on site, which were previously not possible.

An inspiring example
Take a look at this fantastic and eye catching bridge manufactured and installed by Beaver Bridges, is a great example of how an access issue can be transformed into an attraction or opportunity.
We have no doubt that this bridge has become a feature of the estate!
Read more about this installation through Beaver Bridges social media pages:

To conclude, access can be a difficult yet necessary obstacle when considering the expansion into new enterprises. However, when done correctly can offer greater opportunities.
Unsure of what farm diversification enterprise is for you? Use our free diversification discovery assistant. Simply fill out the short questionnaire and receive a brief, free review of what farm diversifications may suit you and your business.