Dudley Peverill

How Is a Diversification Enterprise Set Up and Implemented?

So you’ve carried out your background research, budgeting and strategy, but how do you actually go about developing and implementing a diversification enterprise on your farm? Not knowing where to start, or realising the amount of work and time commitment required to start a new venture can be intimidating, especially when you’re already busy with the farming business. Read on for a brief outline of requirements and milestones with regards to starting a new venture.

The likely stages to a diversification project

We’ve done our best to lay out a list of requirements and questions that we see clients asking for surrounding diversification project. However, all farms and their respective ventures are different, so these steps and requirements may vary in complexity. Don’t worry, we are here to help!

Planning permission

  • Is a planning application required? Who will submit the application?
  • Will it be permitted development or a full application? Do you know the difference?
  • Are there any known restrictions to the site? E.g. Heritage, AONB. How do you find out?

Plans, surveys and drawings

  • If adapting or erecting a building, drawings are often necessary and  required within planning applications. Where can you get architectural drawings done?
  • Have you considered a site wide survey for future projects? Often a survey can be reused as long as its up to date.
  • Likely surveys required include ecology and flood risk assessments. Who can you get to carry these out?
  • Better quality drawings and plans will lead to more accurate quotations.

Licenses and certification

  • Does the operation of the enterprise require any licenses?
  • Selling and producing food or beverages will likely require food hygiene certificates. Where can you go to get hold of these?
  • Events licencing. How do you know if you need this?
  • Health & safety. Do you require a H&S audit?

Build management

  • Will contractors be used? How will you select the right one?
  • Tendering processes. Have you got time to compare tenders?
  • Can any works be carried out in-house? If so, who will manage the project and hold you accountable?
  • Compliance. How can you be sure the building conforms to building regulations?

Branding and marketing

  • How will you sell your product or service?
  • Social media marketing campaigns.

Recruitment, tenancy or joint venture creation

  • Who will take care of the day to day operation of the enterprise?
  • Do you want managerial input into the new venture?
  • Is a joint venture or partnership more appropriate to your enterprise or wider business?

Don’t forget to use our free diversification discovery assistant below. Simply fill out the questionnaire and get your free review on diversification enterprises most suited to you and your farm.

The above works required to create a successful and viable diversification can seem daunting, especially considering the existing labour and management requirement of an agricultural business. We are on hand to carry out the whole process for you, keeping you free to run your farm effectively. Contact us today for a free initial consultation, to see how we can help to convert your diversification idea to a functioning reality.