Dudley Peverill

What Will We Be Speaking About At The Farm Innovation Show?

Now just under 2 weeks away, The Farm Innovation Show 2021 is set to be an insightful, must attend, rural business exhibition! Make sure you attend to keep yourself up to date and well equipped to diversify. Don’t miss out, book your free tickets here.

Remember… we are on stand number 4073, come and chat to us!!

Our managing director Antony Pearce is speaking at seminar theatre 5 at 14:45 – 15:15 on the 11th November (2nd day).

<<< Click the link for the shows profile about Antony

What Exactly Will We Be Speaking About?

The chances are, if you are at The Farm Business Innovation Show, you are interested in or thinking about diversifying your farming business. Here is a brief insight into what we will be discussing during our speaker slot:

Why diversification is important to modern farming businesses and why it should be at the forefront of your mind!

  • Tiered reduction and loss of BPS payments by 2027
  • Lack of clarity regarding replacement environmentally based subsidies
  • Brexit
  • Increasing volatility within commodity markets

Generational conflict and succession

  • Sharing of responsibility with younger generations within the family business

Who are we? Our backstory and why we set up Dudley Peverill Associates

  • Our mission
  • What drives us
  • Our team and their skillsets

How we service our clients and how we can help you on your journey towards a successfully diversified business

  • Our “service pathway”
  • Who we like working with
  • Our affiliations with preferred external professionals

Other business insights to help inspire you!

  • Projects we’ve been working on

Before you visit us at the show, why not use our free Diversification Discovery Assistant  which will help guide you through what diversification enterprises will suit you and your business, including important things to consider when making the decision! 

Feel free to contact us today to discuss the show, or for a no obligation consultation, to see how we can help guide you through diversification on your farm.