Dudley Peverill

Strategic New Farm Access Unlocks Diversification Opportunities


When Dudley Peverill first began work for a client in Nottinghamshire, it was clear there was an aspiration and opportunity to expand and embellish the diversified enterprises on site. The Farm business boasts several commercially let buildings near and around a central courtyard. Tenant businesses occupy the buildings under predominantly, a Class E use, most notably workshops and a dance studio.


Due to the nature and success of the tenant businesses, the farm incurred increasing footfall, with peaks occurring during holiday seasons. However, the sole access, the car park, and pedestrian areas were frequented by staff, visitors, agricultural deliveries, and machinery. This presented an ever-increasing health and safety risk, something that was at the forefront of the client’s concerns.


As seen to the left, all traffic used the same access. Not only this, but there was a significant crossover with regards to heavily pedestrianised areas and agricultural machinery, feed deliveries, and grain lorries.

The Solution

The first step of the strategy to facilitate further diversification opportunities within the courtyard setting of the farm, and indeed to solve the traffic and health and safety concerns, was to address the access issues. The design of the new agricultural access can be seen below, and will effectively separate farm traffic from residents and visitors. We utilised Agricultural Permitted Development Rights and submitted a Prior Notification application for a new agricultural access. 56 days and the submission of an arboricultural survey and tree protection plan later and we received planning approval!


We are now able to drive forward with improvements to the existing commercial rental enterprise and further develop the courtyard to provide new enterprises and opportunities for the client. In doing so, we will realise the full potential of the courtyard and the wider alternative income opportunities within the farming business.

Strategic New Farm Access Unlocks Diversification Opportunities

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