Its just under 3 weeks until The Farm Innovation Show 2021, a fantastic event offering ideas, opportunities and advice on all things diversification! Whether your farming business is already diversified or not, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss out, book your free tickets here.
We are at stand number 4073, come and chat to us!
Be sure to stop by seminar theatre 5 at 14:45 – 15:15 on the 11th November (2nd day) to listen to our managing director Antony Pearce speak about diversification and how we can help you.
Click the link for more information about Antony and his speech >>>
Why Attend The Farm Business Innovation Show 2021?
We think this show is a must attend for anyone considering diversification… and not only because we are there! To reiterate the shows “Why Attend” page, the show boasts:
Over 550 exhibitors to learn from, some of which (like us) will be speaking. Take a look around and gather as much information as possible towards your next venture
The ability to network with likeminded exhibitors, speakers and other visitors. Learn about their diversification stories and use the lessons and experience of others to your advantage
Keeping you up to date with the latest industry trends, products and services to ensure you are well equipped to start your new venture
Over 200 seminars, where you’ll hear stories and advice from knowledgeable experts. We hope you come and listen to our seminar!
An abundance of ideas and advice from all sectors within the diversification environment, including leisure, tourism, renewables, commercial rentals, alternative agriculture and more
Before you visit us at the show, why not use our free Diversification Discovery Assistant which will help guide you through what diversification enterprises will suit you and your business, including important things to consider when making the decision!
Feel free to contact us today to discuss the show, or for a no obligation consultation, to see how we can help guide you through diversification on your farm.